TopBraid Suite 8.0.0 - Change: TBS-4619, TBS-4620: Removed dedicated governance tabs for Metrics, Issues and Policies. Use Other Governance Assets instead. - Bug fix: TBS-4527: Function teamwork:isPossibleTagTransition now also checks permissions. May affect downstream code. - Feature: TBS-5130: Problems and Suggestions panel now has a mode to display results in tabular form. - Feature: TBS-5621: Remote endpoint support now supports "complete" mode in which TDB has a complete copy of the remote data which means that it no longer needs to dynamically load triples and all usual features of EDG (such as the full SHACL engine and ADS) are available. - Feature: TBS-6377: It is now possible to have Ontologies as remote data graphs, in the new complete mode. - Feature: TBS-6405: It is now possible to specify a default remote endpoint that will be used for any newly created asset collections, allowing the use of triple stores in parallel to TopBraid's local database. - Feature: TBS-5702: Remote SPARQL adapter now supports optimizations for OpenLink Virtuoso. - Feature: TBS-5780: Added Modify > Export to Remote Graph (at the Home resource), also as web service tbs:exportToRemoteGraph. - Feature: TBS-6399: Added Modify > Update Remote Graph (at the Home resource), also as web service tbs:updateRemoteGraph. - Improvement: TBS-5228: Multi-value delimiter character is now configurable. - Bug fix: TBS-5780: dash:jsCondition was not recognized when defined in a graph that is teamwork:scriptGraph only. - Removed: TBS-5865: Deleted teamwork:WorkflowAction/stateEntryAction, deprecated since 7.5. - Removed: TBS-5864: Removed support for deprecated teamwork:EditRules and teamwork:CommitRules. - Change: TBS-5864: Removed the global edit rule that automatically asserts owl:SymmetricProperty triples. A similar rule specifically for the 4 symmetric SKOS properties was added to skoshapes.ttl where it is implemented as a dash:ChangeScript, not as a global teamwork:EditRule. Migration Concern: ontologies that rely on owl:SymmetricProperty should switch to dash:symmetric. - Feature: TBS-5922: Add OpenID Connect authentication method. - Feature: TBS-5940: Added teamworkconstraints:DASHSymmetricChangeScript to have inverse values of dash:symmetric properties automatically updated after adding or deleting the other direction. - Removed: TBS-5867: graph (defined in status.shapes.ttl, long deprecated). - Removed: TBS-5868: Deleted graph (spinx.ttl, long deprecated). - Bug fix: TBS-6372: Update AWS SDK to version 2.23.21 to fix CVE-2023-44487. - Removed: TBS-5870: Removed long-deprecated classes from teamwork.ui.ttlx: JSONLDFileExportPlugin, LandingPageSearch*, MainMenu, MetadataPlugin, NTFileExportPlugin, RDFXMLFileExportPlugin, TurtleFileExportPlugin, userLabel - Bug fix: TBS-6501: Extraneous information in some SWP error messages. - Removed: TBS-5871: Deleted declarations of many long-deprecated SPIN functions from the smf namespace (replaced with spif). - Removed: TBS-5888: Removed two notification types related to reference datasets. - Feature: TBS-6243: Power users can now add/change (some) passwords - Change: TBS-5968: Recently Viewed Collections gadget is now driven out of browser localStorage. Note: Behavior of when Recently Viewed Collection set updates has changed to only when main editor is rendered for an Asset Collection. - Improvement: TBS-5977: Taxonomy tree now has better drag and drop for nodes with multiple parents. - Removed: TBS-6004, TBS-6005, TBS-6009: Deleted Dashboard tabs. - Improvement: TBS-6050: EDG Diagram nodes now move automatically rather than after selecting them first. - Removed: TBS-6024: Deleted various internal magic properties from the tops namespace: tops:restrictedProperties, tops:constructStringList, tops:prefix. - Bug fix: TBS-6457: Enable installation setup link in Server Administration. - Improvement: TBS-6064: tbs:importRDFFile now supports the delta flag. - Improvement: TBS-6109: Defined a global handler in the scenario where a promise chain does not handle exceptions. This acts as a fallback mechanism to ensure all errors are being reported to the user. - Improvement: TBS-6110: Select instance dialog now has a class selection tree if the given type has subclasses. - Removed: TBS-6136: Deleted graph.validate() from ADS core API - use tbs.validate instead. - Bug fix: TBS-6175: Import and Transform tabs are now hidden in protected mode. - Change: TBS-5851: Upgrade Tomcat to 10.1.18 and Java version to 17 - Improvement: TBS-6230: Load all Remote Assets now ignores Wikidata as it times out. - Bug fix: TBS-6494: Power users would sometimes get permission denied when importing Trig or Zip files. - Removed: TBS-6240: Deleted various Migration features from the server administration page. - Bug fix: TBS-6280: Corpus individual file importer now also follows URI construction rules. - Bug fix: TBS-6169: Show local time in Search Library. - Bug fix: TBS-6373: Update JSON-Java to version 20231013 to fix CVE-2023-5072. - Feature: TBS-6242: Added tosh:PasswordViewer for entering secure storage passwords on forms (does not create triples). - Change: TBS-5850: Upgraded Spring Security to version 6.2.1. - Feature: TBS-6247: Added uploadedFile.importFile() to ADS core API, for load triples straight into a master graph. - Feature: TBS-6247: The global New button now has a feature to create Taxonomies + matching Ontologies from "Classonomies" such as those large OWL models found in the biomedical domain. - Bug fix: TBS-6248: tbs.setConfigValue now rejects values that cause malformed URIs. - Bug fix: TBS-6374: Update gRPC to version 1.60.1 to fix CVE-2023-33953, CVE-2023-44487, CVE-2023-4785. - Feature: TBS-6276: The global New button now also has a feature to create an Ontology from an OWL/RDFS file, including SHACL conversion. - Improvement: TBS-6247: Added arg:sourceGraph to tbs:createAssetCollection, to quickly initialize a new collection. - Removed: TBS-6253: Delete support for the RDBMS database type (SDB). - Removed: TBS-6263: Delete support for the SeparateTDB database type. - Feature: TBS-6266: Added support for ADS services that do not require a context graph using dash:ContextFreeService. - Feature: TBS-6266: Create new Asset Collection button redesigned and has an extension mechanism using dash:GraphConstructorService. - Change: TBS-6267: Creating a new asset collection is no longer confirmed through its dedicated dialog. - Feature: TBS-6277: New button now has a feature to create asset collection from remote RDF database. - Bug fix: TBS-6095: Tighten permission checking for use of send projects/publish to Explorer. - Bug fix: TBS-6286: Fixed batch edit "Submit" button incorrect state when user make changes and click on Back button. - Improvement: TBS-6294: Form panel makes better use of horizontal space when it's the only panel in the layout. - Improvement: TBS-6298: Remote data support now also supports blank nodes, mapping them to URNs on the SPARQL endpoint. - Bug fix: TBS-6320: SymmetricPropertyUpdaterRule was also mirroring relationships between blank nodes, causing redundant triples for owl:equivalentClass axioms. Now limited to IRIs. - Improvement: TBS-6320: When creating property shapes using rdfs:domain, OWL2SHACL transform now also walks into sub-properties. Also the OWL2SHACL converter produced invalid SHACL when an owl:onProperty was pointing at a blank node. - Bug fix: TBS-6320: On Files page, the delete button and action is now disabled for system folders. - Feature: TBS-6320: Files page (Studio) has a right-click action to batch convert files from OWL to SHACL. In exchange, the Create Proxy Ontologies feature was deleted. Class Hierarchy panel will display an "OWL?" warning if there are classes that lack a named superclass. - Improvement: TBS-6307: Added nicer form viewer for SHACL shapes that are blank nodes (e.g. at sh:node and sh:qualifiedValueShape). - Bug fix: TBS-6324: Progress dialogs no longer close by click outside of the dialog. - Improvement: TBS-6324: dash:ModifyActions can now set dash:disablePreview to hide the Preview button. - Change: TBS-6325: For skosxl:Labels, the create dialog now preserves hyphens in the generated URIs. - Improvement: TBS-6326: Upload Project now produces a clearer error message on duplicate base URIs. - Change: TBS-6327: The Files editor no longer asks for confirmation when user navigates away and there are unsaved changes. - Deleted: TBS-6231: "Short graph names" feature from EDG configuration. - Bug fix: TBS-6337: Form did not use the right dash:viewer and dash:editor for sh:targetObjectsOf and sh:targetSubjectsOf. - Bug fix: TBS-6339: Canceling a GraphQL request did not always cancel inner SPARQL queries from SHACL validation. - Bug fix: TBS-6344: Add Tags Panel - properties dropdown menu now renders in alphabetical order - Change: TBS-6345: Label of corpus:Document changed to "Corpus Document" to avoid confusion with edg:Document. - Bug fix: TBS-6348: Fixing inline search should not have inline editing - Feature: TBS-6350: Import RDF file now has an option to skip running the cleanup rules, activated by default for Data Graphs. - Bug fix: TBS-6354: Some UI components did not update their size when the browser window got resized. - Feature: TBS-6357: Added 3d Graph panel to visualize nodes and relationships using a force-directed layout. Includes a batch operation to "Highlight in 3D Graph" when the panel is open. - Bug fix: TBS-6359: SPARQL endpoint now discards triples from change history that did not really exist. - Bug fix: TBS-6364: Some dialogs that accept parameters (based on scripts) did not indicate required parameters with an asterisk. - Bug fix: TBS-6365: Improved rendering of predicate of on Problems & Suggestions report if there are no sh:names. - Bug fix: TBS-6367: GraphQL schema generation sometimes crashed if multiple public classes mapped to the same field names. - Bug fix: TBS-6369: Remote data support did not always send the default named graph, if specified for the connector. - Improvement: TBS-6383: URI creation algorithm from label now attempts to prevent URIs that cannot be abbreviated to qnames. Note: This affects URIs created from the various create dialogs and spreadsheet import and the SPARQL function spif:buildURI and its derivatives. Migration Concern: Use the product configuration setting edgURIsMayNotAbbreviate for the old behaviour. - Feature: TBS-6398: Moved the two QUDT root classes from rdfs:Resource to under owl:Thing. - Feature: TBS-6389: Class List panel now has an option to show all instances of rdfs:Class instead of owl:Class. - Bug fix: TBS-6416: GraphQL and ADS now reject literals with malformed language tags before they cause problems downstream. - Bug fix: TBS-6287 : Add BOM to report spreadsheet exports - Bug fix: TBS-5756: Removes unnecessary padding from Search results and other table based views. - Bug fix: TBS-5757: Resolves an issue where Panel setting menus were obscured by the bounding of the panel. - Bug fix: TSM-4431: Fixes an issue with exporting to CSV/TSV where the separator between nested values was not correctly generated. - Improvement: TSM-4459: Defines an asynchronous process for JSON exports from the graphql endpoint. This allows HTTP clients to close the active connection and return at a later date to download the temporarily stored payload. - Bug fix: TBS-6407: Change datatypes dialog can now also be closed when nothing is selected. - Change: TBS-6419: The create relationship dialog now produces sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI when only sh:node is specified. - Bug fix: TBS-6428: Fix occasional error in the log when EDG is shutting down while a text index update is in progress. - Feature: TBS-6425: tbs:clearAssetCollection, tbs:deleteAssetCollection now support a flag to also clear the remote triples. The clear and delete Manage tab features also offer this as a checkbox when it's editable. - Bug fix: TBS-6371: Update Azure Identity to version 1.11.2 to fix CVE-2023-36414, CVE-2023-36415, CVE-2023-34054, CVE-2023-34062, CVE-2023-44487. - Bug fix: TBS-6435: SHACL engine sometimes used incorrect namespace prefix for path expressions when a prefix in an ontology was different from the same prefix in a data graph. - Bug fix: TBS-6435: dash:ScriptTestCases did not use the correct shapes graph URI (missing imports). - Feature: TBS-6288: Add IO.setResponseHeader() to allow setting headers in services for eg filenames. - Change: TBS-6378: Search Panel now displays multi-values for strings, enums, and integers on separate lines instead of comma-separated - Bug fix: TBS-6022: DDL imports now populate the foreign key's childTable. - Bug fix: TBS-6343: MySQL JDBC import no longer imports system tables. - Improvement: TBS-6464 DDL imports now import ALTER TABLE statements the add a PRIMARY KEY. - Improvement: TBS-6465 DDL imports now import ALTER TABLE statements the add a FOREIGN KEY. - Improvement: TBS-6466 DDL imports now import ALTER TABLE statements the add a UNIQUE constraint. - Bug fix: TBS-6468: DDL imports now recognize qualified database object names (e.g. SCHEMA1.TABLE1), fixing a problem that resulted in a column having multiple datatypes. - Bug fix: TBS-6469: DDL imports now recognize qualified database object names (e.g. SCHEMA1.TABLE1), fixing a problem that resulted in a column having multiple lengths. - Bug fix: TBS-6470: DDL imports now record the database's lastImported timestamp. - Change: TBS-6442: Asset Collections Summary gadget is now only showing the counts of the readable asset collections, not all of them. Note: We have removed the graphCount field from the _ GraphQL scheme. - Bug fix: TBS-6446: Search panel "Column filters" was not working for columns that hold the combination of attributes: html datatype and colMax greater than 1. - Feature: TBS-6453: ADS-based ModifyActions and BatchActions (with canWrite) can now open wizard-like "next" pages where users can enter additional parameters and move a wizard state along. See DataViewers.createNextPageJSON. - Bug fix: TBS-6454: dash:skipPreview was not visible on forms (of dash:ModifyAction). - Bug fix: TBS-6137: Enter key was not working when select input widget in create dialog - Improvement: TBS-6391: Upgraded SPARQL Endpoint page to make use of Monaco Component - Feature: TBS-6434: Create Instance dialog will now use other label properties (esp. skos:prefLabel) when they are on the form. - Improvement: TBS-6437: Search Panel is now able to sort by label - Change: TBS-6450: Text index used for GraphQL and Search Panel now also indexes xsd:integer literals, e.g. to search for IDs. - Bug fix: TBS-6455: dash:JSONTableViewer now reloads after each edit. - Bug fix: TBS-6474: Browser's back button now correctly returns to home asset if the hash part of the URL is empty. - Change: TBS-6476: Workflow Templates are now managed in the Platform Governance graph, using the general editor. - Bug fix: TBS-6477: SPARQL Query panel's debug button no longer silently crashes on malformed queries. - Bug fix: TBS-6478: SPARQL-based constraints and sh:values expressions did not "see" functions that were defined in the current ontology. - Bug fix: TBS-6479: Case insensitive filter on Search Panel had an icon that was already used elsewhere. - Bug fix: TBS-6480: In Studio's file page, renaming a file and then editing it may save it again with the old name. - Improvement: TBS-6109: Defined a global handler in the scenario where a promise chain does not handle exceptions. This acts as a fallback mechanism to ensure all errors are being reported to the user. - Bug fix: TBS-6452: Fixed a CSS overflow issue with the JSONTableViewer component. - Improvement: TBS-6482: Upgraded SHSPARQLEditor make use of Monaco component. - Improvement: TBS-6483: Upgraded SPINQueryEditor to make use of Monaco component. - Bug fix: TBS-6488: Save Layouts button's Default button renamed to "Initial Layout" to clarify it does not change the system-provided Default layout. Also, the behaviour was different for the user who saved the layout as Default, and the button will now also be enabled in read-only mode. - Improvement: TBS-6489: In tabbed mode, the Form Panel now displays a warning sign for tabs that contain problems. - Improvement: TBS-6490: JDBC Importer's URL field is now wider. - Improvement: TBS-6496: DetailsViewer now uses all property shapes from suitable shapes. - Bug fix: TBS-6497: Creating asset collections from .zip file no longer creates unnecessary projects/folders. - Feature: TBS-6503: New product configuration parameter "action filter function" can be used to disable individual Batch/Explore/Modify actions. - Change: TBS-6506: Moved various 3rd party graphs into new workspace project "External", which can be modified. - Bug fix: TBS-6499: Breadcrumbs: Asset Collection link will behave like the Home button. - Improvement: TBS-6376: Remove the usage of YASR library over the utilization of Monaco Library. This is mainly being used for SourceCodePanel and SPARQLQueryPanel - Bug fix: TBS-6498: If the user selects an invalid language in the Product Configuration Parameters of the Server Admin page, the Asset Search panel no longer throws an error. - Improvement: TBS-6518: At the Collections button, asset collection types appear now grouped by categories. - Improvement: TBS-6519: Create Class dialog for subclasses of owl:Thing now has options to also make it a public class and for label and type properties. - Change: TBS-6520: EDG Diagram Notes section is now hidden when no notes exist, also color changed. - Improvement: TBS-6523: Script-based constraints can now directly return a suggestions array like dash:ScriptSuggestionGenerators. - Bug fix: TBS-6527: JSON Table Viewer, Value Table Viewer and tabular Script results table should not have offered Export to JSON. - Improvement: TBS-6050: EDG Diagram nodes now move automatically rather than after selecting a node. - Improvement: TBS-6523: Script-based constraints can now directly return a suggestions array like dash:ScriptSuggestionGenerators. - Improvement: TBS-6522: Removed excessive padding in unordered lists used in the Crosswalk Panel. - Bug fix: TBS-6529: The "match values" drop down on the spreadsheet mapping page did not show properties inherited from superclasses. - Bug fix: TBS-6531: Some dialogs that accept parameters of Explore/Modify/BatchActions with a sh:class caused scripts to fail with "Not a JSON string". - Bug fix: TBS-6530: The Batch Actions dropdown menu is fully visible and scrollable when open. - Bug fix: TBS-6541: Parameters dialog for Batch/Explore/Modify actions now also handles sh:node constraints for auto-complete fields. - Bug fix: TBS-6543: Fixed console log error, when disable avatar service is disabled. - Bug fix: TBS-6525: Removing unnecessary semicolons (;) from object properties with sh:nodeKind in search panel results - Improvement: TBS-6516: Updated DDL and JDBC import UI pages. Now users can determine the schema in DDL page and Catalog pattern, Schema pattern and Table pattern in JDBC connector page - Improvement: TBS-6533: Removed save button from content tag set search panel due to not having search library panel available. - Improvement: TBS-6054: Update frontend package manager to yarn v3 (3.7.0). - Improvement: TBS-6547: Clearing an asset collection now also deletes its owl:versionInfo and metadata:version triples. - Improvement: TBS-6549: dash:Constructors can now set dash:allowTypeSelection to select an rdf:type from a class tree. - Bug fix: TBS-6562: Corrected a display issue within the editable table cells designated for integer data types. Also, when column is defined as read only the edit icon will no longer show in asset search. - Bug fix: TBS-6401: Users Assigned to a Collection Via Organization Structure Cannot Create Workflows - Bug fix: TBS-6414: cleanup derelict EDG Diagrams flooding localStorage - Change: TBS-6570: Add Requirement basis/specifications and Policy authorizing/compliance document properties and Document Category. - Bug fix: TBS-6575: Provenance Timestamps Aspect properties need xsd:dateTime added. - Improvement: TBS-6576: Add Definitions to Metadata Management collections Ontology Classes. - Bug fix: TBS-6580: Fix Dataflow.transfers data property to reference Physical Flow Payload and setDataset as Exchangable. - Bug fix: TBS-6581: Fix Errors in MM Ontologies about Report, Report Table and Report Column. All three now managed in Enterprise Asset collections which may cause some data migration from Data Assets to Enterprise Asset to be needed. - Bug fix: TBS-6585: Fix Organization, Party and RACI/Participation errors in Metadata Management Enterprise Model Ontology. - Bug fix: TBS-6590: Create Jira issue was broken when it tried to fetch the project id. - Feature: TBS-6101: The TopBraid AI Service, which includes the Vector Index, has been introduced and can be used by Crosswalks and the AutoClassifier. - Feature: TBS-6394: Add DCT- and SKOS-based schemas supporting additional annotations for Ontologies, classes and property. - Bug fix: TBS-6600: Fixed interactive setup ui Hashicorp fields were read-only - Bug fix: TBS-6618: Removed remaining usages of deleted properties tosh:open and tosh:openable from EDG system ontologies. - Change: TBS-6623: Remove link to interactive setup during installation for EDG 8.0.0. The Intent is to bring it back in a point release.